February 2nd, 2025
by Pastor Justin Turney
by Pastor Justin Turney
The Word: God's Instructions For Us!
5 Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional Guide
Day 1: Embracing God's Word
Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Devotional: God's Word is not a burden, but a blessing. As we heard in the sermon, God's instructions are not impossible for us. They are, in fact, life-giving. Today, reflect on how you can make God's Word a central part of your daily life. How can you hide it in your heart, as the psalmist says? Consider memorizing a verse that speaks to you, or commit to spending a few extra minutes in Scripture each day. Remember, God's Word is near to you - in your mouth and in your heart. Embrace it fully and let it guide your path.
Day 2: Choosing Life
Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20
Devotional: Every day, we face a choice - to choose life or death, blessing or curse. This isn't just about physical life, but about truly living as God intended. Reflect on areas in your life where you might be choosing the world's way over God's way. Are there habits, thoughts, or actions that are leading you away from the fullness of life God offers? Today, make a conscious decision to choose life by loving God, walking in His ways, and keeping His commands. Remember, this choice isn't just for your benefit, but impacts future generations as well.
Day 3: Obedience as an Expression of Love
Reading: John 14:15-24
Devotional: Jesus clearly links love with obedience. If we truly love Him, we will keep His commands. This isn't about earning God's love, but about responding to it. Think about your relationships - how do you show love to those closest to you? Often, it's through your actions, not just your words. The same is true with God. Today, consider how you can demonstrate your love for God through your obedience. Is there an area of your life where you've been resisting God's leading? Surrender it to Him as an act of love.
Day 4: The Transforming Power of God's Word
Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Devotional: Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It's not just information, but transformation. As you read God's Word, allow it to read you. Let it expose areas in your life that need correction or growth. But remember, God's correction comes from a place of love, not condemnation. He wants to equip you for every good work. Today, ask God to use His Word to shape you more into the image of Christ. Be open to His gentle correction and guidance.
Day 5: Living in God's Presence
Reading: Psalm 16:5-11
Devotional: The ultimate goal of our faith journey is not just to follow rules, but to dwell in God's presence. As the psalmist says, in His presence is fullness of joy. Reflect on how you can cultivate a greater awareness of God's presence in your daily life. Perhaps it's through more intentional prayer, or by practicing gratitude for His blessings. Remember, as we learned in the sermon, Jesus is our life. When we hold fast to Him, we experience true abundance. Today, make it your goal to acknowledge God's presence in every aspect of your day, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Devotional: God's Word is not a burden, but a blessing. As we heard in the sermon, God's instructions are not impossible for us. They are, in fact, life-giving. Today, reflect on how you can make God's Word a central part of your daily life. How can you hide it in your heart, as the psalmist says? Consider memorizing a verse that speaks to you, or commit to spending a few extra minutes in Scripture each day. Remember, God's Word is near to you - in your mouth and in your heart. Embrace it fully and let it guide your path.
Day 2: Choosing Life
Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20
Devotional: Every day, we face a choice - to choose life or death, blessing or curse. This isn't just about physical life, but about truly living as God intended. Reflect on areas in your life where you might be choosing the world's way over God's way. Are there habits, thoughts, or actions that are leading you away from the fullness of life God offers? Today, make a conscious decision to choose life by loving God, walking in His ways, and keeping His commands. Remember, this choice isn't just for your benefit, but impacts future generations as well.
Day 3: Obedience as an Expression of Love
Reading: John 14:15-24
Devotional: Jesus clearly links love with obedience. If we truly love Him, we will keep His commands. This isn't about earning God's love, but about responding to it. Think about your relationships - how do you show love to those closest to you? Often, it's through your actions, not just your words. The same is true with God. Today, consider how you can demonstrate your love for God through your obedience. Is there an area of your life where you've been resisting God's leading? Surrender it to Him as an act of love.
Day 4: The Transforming Power of God's Word
Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Devotional: Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It's not just information, but transformation. As you read God's Word, allow it to read you. Let it expose areas in your life that need correction or growth. But remember, God's correction comes from a place of love, not condemnation. He wants to equip you for every good work. Today, ask God to use His Word to shape you more into the image of Christ. Be open to His gentle correction and guidance.
Day 5: Living in God's Presence
Reading: Psalm 16:5-11
Devotional: The ultimate goal of our faith journey is not just to follow rules, but to dwell in God's presence. As the psalmist says, in His presence is fullness of joy. Reflect on how you can cultivate a greater awareness of God's presence in your daily life. Perhaps it's through more intentional prayer, or by practicing gratitude for His blessings. Remember, as we learned in the sermon, Jesus is our life. When we hold fast to Him, we experience true abundance. Today, make it your goal to acknowledge God's presence in every aspect of your day, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
Posted in Devotional
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